Bazargiusto , everything for a perfect garden

Cosa stai cercando?

Gardening spare parts online | New releases:

Good morning, is the product still available?

Over 90% of the products you will find on our site are ready for delivery or in any case directly present in our warehouses. If it is not present you will be notified with the delivery times so you know exactly when you will receive it.

Good morning, is it possible to have a tax invoice?

Absolutely yes. Simply enter your VAT number in the appropriate field or indicate all the data in the notes. We remind you that in the case of a purchase that has already occurred, you have up to 7 days to request a tax invoice, providing the data via the contact form that you can find below.

Do you have further questions? Write to us!

Contact us

Products on offer:

Fast delivery to Italy

starting from one working day

Professional consultancy

we help you choose the spare part

Secure payments

PayPal, cash on delivery, bank transfer, credit card

“BAZARGIUSTO is the Nº 1 portal IN ITALY for the sale of spare parts and accessories for agriculture and gardening , thanks to a range of over 20,000 different models of equipment ready for delivery at the best price on the market.

We are NOT the classic marketplace. Each product is sold by us with fast shipping , but above all with after-sales assistance services and guarantees on all products.”