Special lawn products

In this category we can find latest generation surfactants - surfactants - humectants . In addition to solving problems related to water repellency and therefore improving the water shortages of a system that is not done to perfection, these products are able to collaborate with fertilizers or products with a radical action. These agents are essentially "soaps" that lower the surface tension of individual water molecules, allow their movements in the soil and conserve and allow water to infiltrate into the soil. They are ideal in the use of all those products and techniques used for the proliferation of microbial activity in the soil (bioactivated). They promote the health, density, uniformity and color of lawns . Managing the duration and quality of the water involves an indirect rooting action of great importance, allowing maximum root development and ensuring that each plant can develop all its internal defenses to be able to deal with periods of stress.

Special lawn products

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